Lets start with Tony. Tony Abbotts sun is located in the sign of Scorpio. People with the sun sign of Scorpio are usually conservative but will take risks if the price is high. They are hardworking and have the ability to motivate others and usually have a pretty powerful influence. They have high income potential and are focused and intent on their goals. A big issue with this placement is secrets. Scorpio can keep secrets better than any other sign and that could pose a huge issue in government. Sometimes people with this placement are more prone to violence than other signs. Scorpio is usually a big achiever with a strong drive and great insight into what makes other people tick. Another downside is that people with their sun in Scorpio can be arrogant, they may also have issues with depression. A big positive - loyalty. Scorpio can be easily hurt but you will never know it.
Are you a Scorpio? Read your current forecast here: http://www.astrologywithnic.com/scorpio-monthly-forecast
We will now look at the aspects Tony Abbott's star sign (Scorpio) makes to learn a bit more about the opposition leader.
Sun conjunct Mercury - This aspect would suggest that Tony Abbott is mentally active and has more creative potential than he lets on. He has limited objectivity but good business sence. Drawn to educational pursuits, he has a curious nature but is also restless and lacks patience. It's likely he has a talent for speaking or writing but is also stubborn and narrow minded. Tony Abbott may be more witty and have more of a sense of humor than he lets on.
Sun square Uranus - This aspect could pose an issue if Tony Abbott becomes prime minister of Australia as Uranus is both unexpected and unreliable. This aspect suggests that Tony Abbott has powerful convictions and will not be willing to compromise. He may have a lot of courage and secretly enjoy controversy. He will bend the rules, if not all together break them. It's likely that Abbott does not function well in group situations. This aspect suggests that there may have been issues with one of Tony's parents during childhood.
Sun conjunct Neptune - Tony Abbott may be more gullible than most but deep down, it looks like he has a compassionate nature and wants to make others happy. He may not deal with stress very well and be over sensitive to prescription medication. Tony, though he can be aggressive himself, will try to avoid other aggressive individuals if he can. Again, this aspect supports Uranus in that there was an emotionally unavailable parent when Tony Abbott was growing up.
Well, that's Tony Abbotts sun sign of Scorpio wrapped up in Astrology terms, I guess it's time we took a closer look at Julia Gillard's sun sign and what that has to say about her.
Julia Gillard's sun sign (star sign) is Libra. This would indicate that Julia can get her way out of nearly any situation. It would suggest she has an even temper and is an honest critic. She may be self indulgent at times. A sun sign of Libra would suggest that work is not her primary goal in life and that she is not as ambitious as many other prime ministers. It would appear that Julia Gillard is more interested in romance. Julia Gillard's sun sign of Libra would suggest that she is easily influenced by others but can manage other people well. Her political career will be subject to fluctuations but she has a good ability to earn money, but not to hold onto it. A Libra sun is an excellent position for Julia Gillard, as it suggests a career working in public.
Julia Gillard only has one major aspect when it comes to her Astrological sun sign. This is a positive relationship (trine) between the sun and the moon. This aspect would indicate that many opportunities will come Julia Gillard's way and that she has good emotional balance and is an optimist. Julia has good instincts and her relationship with her family was likely to be quite positive when she was growing up. Julia Gillards love life is also favored and family life would bring her greater joy than politics. That said, this placement also supports working in public.
In a Nutshell:
I'm just going to quickly recap the pros and cons of both Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard's sun signs (star signs).
Tony Abbott Positives:
Hardworking, Influential, Powerful, Intent on Goals, Big Achiever, Loyal
Tony Abbott Negatives:
Secrets, Conservative, Violence prone, Arrogant, Limited Objectivity, Stubborn, Narrow Minded, Lacks Patience.
Julia Gillard Positives:
Honest,Even tempered,good at public relations, Optimistic, Good Emotional Balance
Julia Gillard Negatives:
Self indulgent, Work not primary goal, Finds it hard to manage money.
Based on sun sign Astrology alone at this point I would be voting for Tony Abbott, only because he appears more work focused than Julia Gillard.
What about you? Based on Sun Sign profiles, who would you vote for?
Are you a Libra? You can read your horoscope here: http://www.astrologywithnic.com/libra-monthly-forecast
My next post will focus on Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard's moon signs and what that says about their emotional responses. In the meantime you can read your astrology forecasts and my blog on DIY astrology over at www.astrologywithnic.com.
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