Your Venus sign is all about love, which isn't really relevant to the Australian Election 2012 but......Venus also has something to say about money and how you hold onto it which is VERY relevant to the Australian Election.
As usual we will start with Tony Abbott. His Venus sign is located in Sagittarius. Now Sagittarius is not know as a money sign but the astrological aspects will give us a clearer picture. Sagittarius is known for being social and friendly with a strong need for freedom when it comes to relationships. Tony Abbott may be impractical when it comes to managing money (again it will depend on the astrological aspects). He needs to be careful when it comes to debt and gambling.
When it comes to astrological aspects, Tony Abbott has Venus sextile Mars. This is a mildly beneficial aspect that suggest confidence, sex appeal and the ability to relate well with others. Tony Abbott may be flirty and spirited and is warm and sociable. This placement suggests romantic success is likely for Tony Abbott and that when it comes to money he has good earning potential but may spend money to easily.
Tony Abbott also has Venus square Pluto in his Natal Astrology Chart. This astrological aspect indicates Tony has rewarding relationships and is able to attract the right romantic partner. It indicates Tony Abbott has a high sex drive and increases the odds of love at first sight. This placement would indicate that Tony is capable of building large wealth.
That's Tony Abbott based on his Astrology Birth Chart. We will now move onto Julia Gillard. Her natal chart shows a Virgo Venus which indicates she is choosy and idealistic when it comes to matters of the heart. It does indicate that Julia Gillard is shy when it comes to romance and may prefer to be single than in a relationship. Julia Gillard's partner is expected to live up to high expectations but she makes a caring and supportive partner although may have a tendency to nag or critise. Julia Gillard is modest and may be inhibited in some way. When it comes to money her earning potential is above average but she may be an impulsive spender.
Julia Gillard's venus sign is conjunct Uranus. This suggests that Julia GIllard is attractive to tohers and may have many affairs. She likely has an open mind when it comes to sexual experimentation and will be attracted to partners that are different from her in some way. Julia may have some commitment issues and her relationships are likely to be untraditional. This astrological aspect suggests a dramatic love life and the possibility of Julia Gillard being bisexual. Her finances are likely to be up and down.
She also has Venus sextile Neptune which is a mildly beneficial astrology aspect. It suggests she knows what it takes to make a relationship work and has the ability to eventually attract the right partner and find true love. This is a good placement for financial security and suggests when it comes to money she is flexible and adaptive.
Julia Gillard also has Venus conjunct Pluto in her birth horoscope. It suggests she puts a lot of effort into her relationships but can be jealous and controlling. She may manipulate her romantic partners, and her relationships are likely to be unbalanced in some way. This placement suggests Julia Gillard is an erotic lover with a strong need for love and affection although she may dominate her partners. Sometimes this placement indicates bisexuality. Julia Gillard may be overconfident with her finances.
Well there you have it. Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott's natal horoscopes for Venus in a nutshell. Based on this round, I'm going to have to tie the vote so it till stands at Tony Abbott 2 - Julia Gillard - 1.
What about you? Based on Venus sign who do you think we should vote for?
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